The standard destination folder could not be found, so cannot be used; please specify a new folder or one of the other destination options The folder specified for automatic opening of files appears to have been removed or renamed, so cannot be used An inconsistency was found upon verification; please inform the author of the kind of file you attempted to process This encryption archive doesn’t contain any files, so there is nothing to decrypt Sorry, this file cannot be (de)compressed as there is not enough memory available. You could increase the allocation in the Finder and try again This file was encrypted with a newer version of QuickEncrypt, which uses a different format. You will need to upgrade to the latest version in order to decrypt this file. The latest version can be obtained direct from Dejal Userware, or other sources Sorry, the file cannot be decrypted, as it was encrypted with QuickEncrypt 1.0, which used a completely different and less reliable encryption format. You will need to decrypt it using that old version; contact Dejal Userware if you’ve deleted your copy This file does not appear to be a valid encrypted file, and so cannot be decrypted. (If you think it really is an encrypted file, please inform the author.) Sorry, the file cannot be decrypted, as it is invalid. This is probably due to the application being force-quit or the system crashing before the encryption process was complete The file “•name•” cannot be automatically decrypted, as the current default password is not the correct one for that file; you’ll need to enter the correct password Sorry, that password is too short; the minimum password length for this workset is •length• characters As requested in the current workset, passwords must contain at least one non-alphabetic character, as a way of increasing security The password does not match the text entered as verification. You must type the same password in both places to protect you from typos. Please try again You obviously don’t know the correct password. Please refrain from attempting to decrypt this file Sorry, that password is incorrect. Please try again. You may have •#• more attempt¶¶¶¶s¶¶ confirm the password for enter a password to use to encrypt enter the password to decrypt Shredding the source files… Deleting the source files… Moving the source files to the Trash… Encrypting the file “•name•” (•size•K)… Now decrypting “•name•” (•size•K)…